Q1: How do the clothes fit?

A1: True to size.

Q2: How should I wash and dry the products?

A2: Wash normally, drip dry if you can to prevent shrinking, or low heat dry in the dryer. 

Q3: How often will there be clothing drops?

A3: As of right now, we will have seasonal clothing drops. As demand increases, the amount of drops along with the number of different products and colors will increase with it. 

Q4: When did Brawn Bros start up?

A4: May 2022

Q5: How did Brawn Bros come about?

A5: At first, Brawn Bros started as a youtube channel for fun with Preven Christon and Caden Cox. They each had a hoodie made to promote the youtube channel. Many people showed an interest in the hoodies and said they would buy them. They put in an a small order of 50 hoodies and when put on sale via instagram and snapchat, the hoodies sold out in under 24 hours. This resulted in the beginning of Brawn Bros stepping into the fitness apparel industry.